Lamassu Inc at the Zurich Meetup

While many others were taking the day off at the international worker's day, 1st May, the Bitcoin Association Switzerland (BAS) hosted Josh and Zach Harvey from Sofia, Bulgaria, to talk about their company Lamassu, why they started a Bitcoin business in the first place and what it's like to be in the midst of an exciting movement.

Founded in 2013 by Josh and Zach Harvey, Lamassu Inc. is one of the first Bitcoin ATM producers and oldest Bitcoin companies still operating today. Their Bitcoin machines are highly popular with over 200 machines deployed all over the world.

With over 70 attendees their talk was very well received and the brothers shared a lot of interesting insight and tidbits from their business with our community. If you want to learn more about Lamassu and get the gospel from the horse's mouth, you can find a beautiful video of their talk on our YouTube Channel