Bitcoin Association Switzerland
Board Election Timeline

As many of you are aware, we are preparing to elect a new board for the Bitcoin Association Switzerland. We aim for a transparent process that gives everyone an opportunity to stand for election.

 1. Announcement (Day 1):

 • Actual Date: (no later than) 6 August 2024

 2. Membership Confirmations and Process Explanations (Days 1-3):

 • Actual Dates: 6-8 August 2024

 • Members and former members receive email invitations to the extra ordinary general assembly and are encouraged to check out the BAS website on how to participate in the election

 • Instructions for membership fee payment are provided

 3. Candidacy Submission Phase (Days 16-30):

• Actual Dates: 21 August - 4 September 2024

 • Candidates can submit profiles, motivation letters, and qualifications. Check the FAQ for details on what is expected in the submissions

 • Candidate profiles will be published on the BAS website

 • Anonymous and insufficient submissions will be ignored

 4. Evaluation and Getting-to-Know Phase:

 • Day 31-60:

 • Actual Dates: 5 September - 4 October 2024

 • Members evaluate profiles and get to know candidates

• An online session with members and all candidates is scheduled for the evening of 11 September 2024

 5. Registration Deadline for Eligible Voters (Day 51):

 • Actual Date: 25 September 2024

 • Deadline for accepting new members wishing to vote

 • Membership confirmed by paying the membership fee

 6. Election DaY (Day 61):

 • Actual Date: 5 October 2024, 14.00

 • The extra ordinary, single topic general assembly takes place in Zurich at Karl der Grosse, Kirchgasse 14, 8001 Zurich. We have booked the room “Erkerzimmer” which allows for up to 60 people. Unfortunately, the outgoing board could not agree on the viability of a hybrid assembly where participants can vote through an online conference system such as Zoom

 • Only members who have paid their membership fee are eligible to vote, this applies to both individual and corporate members. It is possible for an individual to represent both, herself and a company during the voting process

 7. Announcement of Results (Day 62):

 • Actual Date: 6 October 2024

 • Announcement of new board members on the BAS website

In case of doubt: all dates refer to Swiss dates, so the deadline for example for candidacy submission is 4th September 2024 23:59 Swiss time (though why would you wait until the last moment?).